These are just a few sample pages of the iridology text available in this exclusive English translated version of the original Joseph Angerer Textbook of Eye Diagnosis.
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First translated and published in 1987, this iridology textbook edition has been very hard to acquire and even now is being re-released in a limited number.
This textbook is an excellent addition to any eye diagnostician’s library of reference text. It covers Joseph Angerer’s life work in eye diagnosis and is fully illustrated in colour. Read about the books contents here.
Joseph Angerer is a German pioneer in iridology and has contributed much to the profession. New concepts in eye diagnosis can be found in this iridology textbook which is only available in limited numbers and is a must have for anyone studying or practicing iridology.
Iridology charts are also available in two sizes. An iridology wall chart and an iridology smaller laminated hand held chart. Some of the larger iridology wall charts are also laminated.